Les Singes: The Life of Monkey Boy

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Oranges, Turkey, Atomic Bombs, and Joe Smith

Today my wife and I embark on a trip to Florida to visit her father. He and his wife moved there about four months ago from Manhattan. Yes, they moved to the Sunshine State about a month or so before four hurricanes hit. I am interested to see Florida as it is one of the few states, 15 to be exact, that I missed during a cross country road trip in 1998. My wife has always jokingly told me I am not missing anything, but now I will finally have a chance to see the red state for myself. Is it really true where there's water there are gators? I will see. Do golf carts outnumber Cadillacs and Oldsmobiles combined? This will soon to be discovered.

My sole task is to cook the turkey on Thanksgiving. Should be quite fun since I have never done it completely on my own. I have supervised before, but never done the entire thing. At least now I know how to spell brine.

In other sort of unrelated news, here's another example of Egan not listening to lyrics all that carefully. Not sure if you folks out there are familiar with the Ray LaMontagne song Trouble. There's a part in the chorus where he says "I have been saved be a.....woman".... He really carries out the "I have been saved by a" portion where I actually thought he crooned "Alabama". I kept asking my wife if she had heard the Alabama song yet. This past weekend it played on the radio while both of us were in the MINI. Yikes, how could I screw up so badly? Like Ray would sing something so stupid, "Alabama..woman...." I guess this is up there with my other lyrical mishaps for Blind Melon, Nirvana, and Sheryl Crow. We'll save those for another day though.

On other music news, just downloaded How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb via iTunes. The first listen was pretty good. I think they put out a pretty solid album, sure it's no early day stuff... but it's pretty solid in my opinion. Should be nice and relaxing to listen to over the next week. My two favorite non-Vertigo songs are All Because of You and A Man and a Woman. Unfortunately I have to wait on the special iTunes U2 box set since we have Christmas presents to buy for many. Anyone want anything from Egan? Egan Love is free!

My wife told me yesterday that my mom's Thanksgiving is boring. I guess that explains why we never stay in town and why I fled for Canada in my college days. Typically we all go to my mom's house and are forced to watch football by my younger brother, 28 still living at home, since that's all he wants to do. Therefore we end up talking sports non-stop. Not entirely interesting for all attending parties, but who gives a rats ass about them. After we finish eating the turkey it's "bored" game time as usual. Rather painful it can be I must admit. Over the years my large family has tended to stress sports over education, which explains why my blog isn't free of grammatical mistakes. Individuality was tough to come by considering we all were given names that started with E and thrown in a swimming pool at an early age. I have to give my parents credit though since almost all of the names are unique. No Elmers, Eugenes, Ellens, Earnests, Elberts, or Enolas. Here they are from youngest to oldest as I have been reciting since I could speak: Everett, Egan, Ethan, Evan(s)*, Eliot, Elisa, and Emery. And yes, my mom and dad are Elaine and Emery. NO, we aren't Mormon or Catholic.. not that there's anything wrong with that. My mom claims they just wanted heaps of offspring. I really loved it except there wasn't much money left for me by the time I got to college. Financial aid baby. One could call Sallie Mae my mistress. TANGENT: darn, not talking about Thanksgiving anymore and this post is getting too long.

Okay.. I will pick up about the family some other time. It's the holidays and we should just get along. I really don't have any huge beefs with my family anyways. I had an awesome childhood. Somedays I wonder if I ever grew out of those fast food days of my youth. Be good gang!


*birth name was Evans Tristan, but went by Evan all the way up to college.