Les Singes: The Life of Monkey Boy

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Les ironies de ma petite vie

The little ironies of my life. Today I conducted my 7th or 8th French interview for The Company. It's my job to screen the French candidate to make sure they can say more than "parr lez vooz fran sayz". I get a real joy out of talking smack about the candidate's momma and hope to hell they don't speak French. If they do then I am in a world of shit, but then we have a viable candidate.

The ironic part is that I applied for a job at a Seattle company about 8 months ago and was told I didn't speak French well enough. Yep, sacré bleu I say. Nevertheless, I continue to validate our candidates French skills for The Company. Denied by one company and continuing to scrutinize for another. The great part is I spent two weeks in France earlier this year with my wife sightseeing. Not once did we have any issues. Va te foutre ta mère! Not bitter, just think it's funny.