Les Singes: The Life of Monkey Boy

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Smirks are free

Yesterday I decided to make my annual visit to the doctor's office. I have a nagging soccer injury that just doesn't seem to be healing fast enough. So I book my appointment with a new doctor. It turns out to be a woman, which isn't a big deal to me. I just have to focus on certain things should a certain thing begin to happen.

So I am chilling in the room in my lovely flimsy gown when I meet Mona for the first time. Dr. Mona has a smirk on her face and I am not sure how to interpret it. Being a fellow smirker myself, I understand how this works. I tend to smirk in awkward social situations, but hell.. me is not a doctor. Thankfully my injury seems to be just a muscle strain that is slow to heal. On my way out the door I remembered that I had my adult Incredible Hulk Underoos on during my exam. Yikes!