Found money
For the second time in the past month our household has found lost money. Last time it was a ten spot and this time it was a five spot. Next time I'm guessing it will be a good old George.
My question to you readers. What do you do with found money? I would hope most try and find the person that dropped it and give it back, but in the event you don't know who that is or if they left the scene.... what do you do? Last time we gave the ten dollar bill to a homeless man. My wife believes it's bad karma to keep any found money. What would you all do with the found five dollar bill? I am not sending to any of you no matter what.. so don't get any bright ideas.
My question to you readers. What do you do with found money? I would hope most try and find the person that dropped it and give it back, but in the event you don't know who that is or if they left the scene.... what do you do? Last time we gave the ten dollar bill to a homeless man. My wife believes it's bad karma to keep any found money. What would you all do with the found five dollar bill? I am not sending to any of you no matter what.. so don't get any bright ideas.