Les Singes: The Life of Monkey Boy

Friday, January 21, 2005

Virgin beard

Five days into this beard growth thing, not sure if it's for me. I've been so tempted to cut the darn thing off every night this week. Not sure why I have decided to try and grow a beard. Perhaps it's because in my 20 years of facial hair, peach fuzz, I have never given it the good old college try. Maybe I am protesting Bush's lavish Inauguration Day festivities or maybe I want to look more like my dope pal Jesus. Who knows exactly what the motivations are this time, but I have come this far so there's no turning back, come hell or high water!

First beard stumbling block: last night we ate dinner with an out-of-town female friend. She thought the beard looked alright. Then she proceeded to say beards are merely just pubic hairs in a different location. I guess it's true, but now I can't stop thinking about short and curlies on my face. Maybe I need a cropping then. Can someone tell me what the hell a Brazilian is again? Isn't that how a goatee is formed?