Les Singes: The Life of Monkey Boy

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Mr. Perfect Attendance

Today wasn't my finest day. I was up all night since I could hardly breath. I wanted to blame this on the one cat the in-laws have, but I really think it was a combination of the dry weather and a brief cold. I never like to admit I am sick, but amazingly it may have happened.

See I only missed one day due to sickness from kindergarten all the way through high school. I am one of those freaks that rarely ever gets sick. My only sick day occurred in 10th grade when I got hit on the head by a baseball during practice. I suffered a concussion and missed the following day. Needless to say, anyone I run into that knows me from my grade school days remembers me as Mr. Perfect Attendance. Too bad that didn't translate to Mr. Perfect Grades and then to Mr. Perfect Looks.

I have to apologize for my behaviors today. I was quite grumpy since I wasn't feeling so hot. I was mean to almost everyone that interacted with me. It wasn't my finest hour. Tomorrow will be much better. I did learn how to tie a scarf properly today. Currently it's five degrees outside here in Geneva, Illinois so my scarf and hat will be in use today/tomorrow. Sadly there is no snow on the ground and it appears the locals leave their cars running if they make a quick trip inside a convenience store. It's tempting to move these idling cars to scare such owners.