At the beginning of 2004 I made resolutions for the year. Well actually I just did the following, “2003 2004 resolutions”. Only four of the below resolutions of 2003/2004 are legit. Can you spot the fakes?
* Lose gut & 20 pounds.
* Continue to decrease debt
* Make it a goal to set goals
* Utilize all my free work time IMing and swimming
* Read 12 books
* Benchpress 80 pounds
* Use the word blog in a sentence every day
* Talk about myself less often
* Learn all 50 state capitals
* Apply for Canadian work visa
* Take Control / Tap the Keg
* Stop stalking our local newsreporter, Jim Forman
* Drive south and kidnap celebrity rat dog Tinkerbell
* Buy stock in Breyers
* Wear my contacts more often
*Clean and organize garageDone 1/2/05
* Appear on Blind Date, 5th Wheel, and Cheaters in the same week.
* Lose gut & 20 pounds.
* Continue to decrease debt
* Make it a goal to set goals
* Utilize all my free work time IMing and swimming
* Read 12 books
* Benchpress 80 pounds
* Use the word blog in a sentence every day
* Talk about myself less often
* Learn all 50 state capitals
* Apply for Canadian work visa
* Take Control / Tap the Keg
* Stop stalking our local newsreporter, Jim Forman
* Drive south and kidnap celebrity rat dog Tinkerbell
* Buy stock in Breyers
* Wear my contacts more often
* Appear on Blind Date, 5th Wheel, and Cheaters in the same week.